
This week we´re going to have two gigs. I order you to come. Wooaahh, magic. Yes, it´s true. I´m using magic to control your minds. I think.

Tuesday at Verket at some random time, probably in the evening.

Friday at What-A-Festival around 10. Awesomeness guaranteed by Peter Strepnjec.

Wälkommen to djungeln

Oh, it´s monday night and I´m drunk.Shit like that happens, of course, but it´s monday and we´re rehersing tomorrow. I´m going to have a really unawesome hangover tomorrow. Hope I´ll survive, we´re having a gig on friday.

Key of the Day: D Major

Industri Royal Trivia: Jens did once finish second in a disco-dancing competition.

Grand Lake

In a week we´re off to Östersund to play at Storsjöyran. I am awesomely excited about it. The recording of our album is making good progress as well. Awesome progress, maybe.

Key of the Day: F minor

Industri Royal Trivia: I will soon have an awesome moustasche.


Today we rehearsed. It was awesome happy place fun. Kind of. Joel did not rehearse. He´s in the studio singing or something.

Key of the Day: E Major

Industri Royal Trivia: I sometimes write false trivias.


When Erik was born the Tjernobyl incident had just happened, so everyone was still quite upset and did not really pay any attention to Erik. Olof Palme was also murdered that year so Erik got even less attention. Happy birthday Erik.

Key of the Day: E Major

Industri Royal Trivia: We have bought a car.

Six salmons

Six salmons in a salmonbox.
Try saying that really, really fast ten times. It´s almost impossible to count unless you´re using your fingers as help.

I have a cold. Joel and Jens also has colds. I don´t know about Patrik, but he´s usually unresponsive to colds I think. He is made of pure hero.

Key of the Day: D Major

Industri Royal Trivia: I wish you were beer.


Everyday new babies are born, or brought by the stork. Loads and loads of screaming, pooping, vomiting and peeing beasts. Among all of those babies and on special and very certain and awesome occations, a hero is born. But not Jens. Jens is from outer space.

Hapee birthdaee Yenz.

Key of the Day: A Major

Industri Royal Trivia: It´s Jens earthly birthday today.


The gig at Scharinska was awesome. Thanks to all who showed up, you were ace!

Now it´s all about focusation (not a real word, huh?) on the new album. We´re making awesome progress at the moment.

Key of the Day: F# Minor

Industri Royal Trivia: I always cheat when playing chess.


Tomorrow night we´re going to have a gig at Scharinska. Some might say it´s going to be awesome. I´d say it´s going to be ace. And I´d most probably be right.

Key of the Day: D Major

Industri Royal Trivia: Jens won against Patrik in vegetarianism today.


And we´re off to the recording studio again. We´re really making awesome progress.

On saturday we´re having a gig at Scharinska. It is going to be ace. Really ace. In october we´re going to Germany and Holland for a quick and awesomeizing seven-day tour.

Key of the Day: A Major

Industri Royal Trivia: Jens is kinda like Lex Luthor.


I´m sorry I haven´t been so active lately, but it´s summer and I have been out doing nothing in the absent sun. Also we have been recording our new album, and they haven´t invented Internet where the recording studio is, thus impossibleizing bloging.

I will try to write a longer update tomorrow.

Key of the Day: D Major

Industri Royal Trivia: When Patrik is happy, he is happier than some.

Oh gruesome night...

Oh, it´s really horrible. Loosing on extra time against those spaniards. It´s just insulting, it is, isn´t it? I hate football, and I love it. It´s awesome and unawesome at the same time. Tonight I´m not going to be able to sleep at all.

Key of the Day: D major

Industri Royal Trivia: Jens hates football, and I can really understand him right now.


On monday we´re going to restart recording our new album. I´m really, really, really, really excited about it. It´s going to be awesome. No, wait. Better up. It´s going to be gruesome! I promise, nay, I oath it.

Barney rules.

Key of the Day: G Major

Industri Royal Trvia: Not even I can always spell trivia right.


I´ve decided I´m on vacation. A man on vacation can´t really be forced to blog every day. That´s my one political belief I´ve got left.

Joel called me this morning around seven. I didn´t answer. He sent me five texts about nothing. This story is also abouth nothing.

Key of the Day: D Major

Industri Royal Trivia: Jens is awesome at watching movies.

Rolling Stones

This night I woke up to an awesome crash. But it wasn´t so awesome. It was a stone breaking one of my windows and landing on my laptop. The laptop was fine, however, but I couln´t for my life manage to glue back the window pieces.

I looked out the window and there stood. Wait for it...

Wait some more.... let´s take the key of the day first.

Key of the Day: G Minor

Ah, not yet....hm, I think I´ll tell ya´ll tomorrow.

Industri Royal Trivia: I´m awesome!

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